STARWEST 2021 - Artificial Intelligence | TechWell

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STARWEST 2021 - Artificial Intelligence

Thursday, October 7

Guardant Health

Don’t Be Scared of AI! It’s Here to Stay and So are You

Thursday, October 7, 2021 - 9:45am to 10:45am

AI is here to stay and we know it’s going to change our world. There is so much information about AI that it's hard to know where to start, what to learn, what to ignore, and what to believe. How do we tester’s cope up with this new technology and will this technology bring an end to our field of work? Join Aprajita Mathur as she shares the basics of AI and where this technology stands today, what problems are being solved by it and why AI is not just about “ Test Bots” or “Robotics”. She will discuss how testers add/can add value in AI, what testing skills are transferable when working...