STARWEST 2021 - Agile Testing | TechWell

Conference archive

STARWEST 2021 - Agile Testing

Wednesday, October 6

Rocket Homes

The Human Side to Testing

Wednesday, October 6, 2021 - 1:30pm to 2:30pm

We’re known for breaking things and testing the limits, and patience of our team and our systems. We advocate for quality in all things and we advocate for the end user. But, none of us actually think about how our varied backgrounds influence what we do and how we test. In this session we’ll explore how our previous (and current) experiences subconsciously affect our testing and how to bring those experiences to the forefront in order to be better testers all around. We’ll show how our experiences with tech and outside of tech influence how, what, and why we test the way we do. We’ll also...