STARWEST 2020 - Test Techniques | TechWell

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STARWEST Virtual+ 2020 - Test Techniques

Thursday, October 8


Creating A Mob: A New Tester’s Journey to Getting People Together To Test

Thursday, October 8, 2020 - 11:30am to 12:30pm

As someone new to the QA and the testing community, within my organization, I was experiencing difficulties testing stemming from communication issues across teams. It felt like I was often the middle-man in a game of telephone between stakeholders, often making it difficult to efficiently manage how we test new features and products. To help address this issue, I incorporated mob testing into our testing culture. I will focus on what I have found to be the benefits of mob testing (such as improved communication and relationships among teams & spreading product knowledge),...

Ramsey Solutions

Rapid Testing in High-Velocity Environments: Introduction to METS (Minimal Essential Testing Strategy)

Thursday, October 8, 2020 - 1:00pm to 2:00pm

It’s going live tonight! How can we test all these changes when given only a few hours for testing? In this session, Greg Paskal presents the Minimum Essential Testing Strategy (METS), a testing methodology he developed nearly 20 years ago and used by companies across the world. Designed to help your Test Engineers adapt to rapid software and environment changes. The METS strategy enhances your current testing efforts by supercharging your existing capabilities and bringing a new focus to testing the right things in the timeframe given. You’ll walk away with a starter METS strategy...