Conference archive

STARWEST 2016 - DevOps & Testing

Wednesday, October 5

Coveros, Inc.

Testing in a Continuous Delivery Pipeline: Faster, Better, Cheaper

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Wednesday, October 5, 2016 - 11:30am to 12:30pm

The continuous delivery pipeline is the process of taking new or changed features from developers, and getting features deployed into production and delivered quickly to the customer. Gene Gotimer says testing within continuous delivery pipelines should be designed so the earliest tests are the quickest and easiest to run, giving developers the fastest feedback. Successive rounds of testing lead to increased confidence that the code is a viable candidate for production and that more expensive tests—time, effort, cost—are justified. Manual testing is performed...

Adam Auerbach
Capital One

The Journey to Continuous Testing

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Wednesday, October 5, 2016 - 1:45pm to 2:45pm

Capital One’s highly integrated environment creates many interdependencies for its agile teams. Because these dependencies were not being completed until late in their sprints, Adam Auerbach says that Capital One faced prolonged integration and regression testing phases and did not realize expected improvements in quality or time-to-market. As technology leaders pushed for continuous delivery (CD), testing needed to shift left and occur simultaneously with development. To shift left, the testing community needed to learn basic development skills, including Ruby...


A DevOps Primer: Whole Team Approaches for Better Software Quality

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Wednesday, October 5, 2016 - 3:00pm to 4:00pm

With fingers wagging and eyes squinting, they query Why didn’t you find this problem during testing? How many times have you tried to defend yourself with things like We can’t test everything or It’s a corner case? Everyone knows you can’t improve quality with testing alone, so what can you do? Marianne Hollier shares practices and tools that help improve your test effectiveness and overall software quality. Learn how early collaboration across your whole team can remove bottlenecks and surprises. See how capturing and agreeing on interfaces...