STAREAST 2020 - Performance Testing & Monitoring | TechWell

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STAREAST Virtual+ 2020 - Performance Testing & Monitoring

Monday, May 4

EPAM Systems

Instill a DevOps Testing Culture in Your Team and Organization

Monday, May 4, 2020 - 1:30pm to 5:00pm

The DevOps movement is here. Companies across many industries are breaking down siloed IT departments and federating them into product development teams. Testing and its practices are at the heart of these changes. Traditionally, IT organizations have been staffed with mostly manual testers and a limited number of automation and performance engineers. To keep pace with development in the new “you build it, you own it” environment, testing teams and individuals must develop new technical skills and even embrace coding to stay relevant and add greater value to the business. DevOps really...

Dawn Haynes
PerfTestPlus, Inc.

How to Break Software: Robustness Edition

Monday, May 4, 2020 - 1:30pm to 5:00pm

Have you ever worked on a project where you felt testing was thorough and complete—all features were covered and all tests passed—yet in the first week in production the software had serious issues and problems? Join Dawn Haynes to learn how to inject robustness testing into your projects to uncover those issues before release. Robustness—an important and often overlooked area of testing—is the degree to which a system operates correctly in the presence of exceptional inputs or stressful environmental conditions. Dawn shows you how—by expanding basic tests and incorporating specific...

Tuesday, May 5


Introduction to Selenium

Tuesday, May 5, 2020 - 9:00am to 5:00pm

Knowledge of Selenium, the industry-standard tool for testing web applications, is a much sought after skill in today’s world of test automation. If you want to learn Selenium, then this full-day tutorial provides a great start. Byron Katz shows you how to build test automation using Selenium. But he doesn’t stop there. He uses his years of experience to show you how to build automation that is clean, robust, and easy to maintain. You will be introduced to practices and principles that apply to the whole team. You will write Selenium scripts in two languages, Python and Java, and will...


Testing Strategies for Microservices

Tuesday, May 5, 2020 - 9:00am to 5:00pm

Software development is trending toward building systems using small, autonomous, independently deployable services called microservices. Leveraging microservices makes it easier to add and modify system behavior with minimal or no service interruption. Because they facilitate releasing software early, frequently, and continuously, microservices are especially popular in DevOps. But how do microservices affect software testing and testability? Are there new testing challenges that arise from this paradigm? Or are these simply old challenges disguised as new ones? Join Tariq King as he...

Upland InGenius

Automation Framework Essentials

Tuesday, May 5, 2020 - 9:00am to 12:30pm

Automation is critical in today’s software delivery lifecycle, and yet many organizations struggle to keep their automation running. How can we mitigate difficulties and get consistent automation runs and results we can trust? The secret is implementing a solid automation framework, but that isn’t as easy as it seems. Chris Loder has built several automation frameworks over his career and has learned what works—and, more importantly, what doesn’t. This tutorial will cover what an automation framework is, the benefits of having one, and the keys to a successful framework, including...

Coveros, Inc.

A Hands-on Intro to Docker for Testers

Tuesday, May 5, 2020 - 1:30pm to 5:00pm

Docker is one of the hottest technologies in our industry today. It lets you create and manage containers—like virtual machines but smaller and faster. They can provide on-demand, disposable test environments that start quickly, repeatably, locally or in the cloud. When you want, you can tear down the environment and recreate a pristine copy within seconds. And since the process is automated, anyone on the team can use the same commands to get their own systems. When you finish testing, those containers can be deployed directly into production. At each stage, the environments for...

Ultimate Software

Holistic Performance Testing for Modern Applications

Tuesday, May 5, 2020 - 1:30pm to 5:00pm

With the advent of frameworks like Angular, React, and Vue, the landscape of application performance has changed significantly in terms of testing and measurement. Gone are the days of measuring response time as a single value based on back-end performance. In modern web and mobile applications, additional layers need to be peeled apart at the front end to truly understand its performance characteristics. Traditional approaches to performance testing are no longer sufficient to provide a delightfully responsive user experience. Join Kaushal Dalvi as he details new developments in...


Quality and Testing Measures and Metrics

Tuesday, May 5, 2020 - 1:30pm to 5:00pm

To be most effective, leaders—including development and testing managers, ScrumMasters, product owners, and IT managers—need metrics to help direct their efforts and make informed recommendations about the software’s release readiness and associated risks. Because one important evaluation activity is to “measure” the quality of the software, the progress and results of both development and testing must be measured. Collecting, analyzing, and using metrics are complicated because developers and testers often are concerned that the metrics will be used against them. Join Mike Sowers...

Thursday, May 7

Equinox Media

Git and Docker and YAML, Oh My! Building Your Own Build Pipeline Using

Thursday, May 7, 2020 - 1:30pm to 2:30pm

Build pipelines are expected to be green all the time. So how do you test your automation in your build systems without impacting the build itself? Where does automation fit into a build pipeline? At what stages of the build pipeline should I be running my automation? Join Janna as she walks through configuring your own build pipeline using YAML and Docker to test your automation and application before committing it to the main build. Using, she’ll walk you through some of the basics of Git, Docker, and YAML so you can configure your own build pipeline. These tools and...