STAREAST 2020 Concurrent Session : Git and Docker and YAML, Oh My! Building Your Own Build Pipeline Using

Conference archive


Thursday, May 7, 2020 - 1:30pm to 2:30pm

Git and Docker and YAML, Oh My! Building Your Own Build Pipeline Using

Build pipelines are expected to be green all the time. So how do you test your automation in your build systems without impacting the build itself? Where does automation fit into a build pipeline? At what stages of the build pipeline should I be running my automation? Join Janna as she walks through configuring your own build pipeline using YAML and Docker to test your automation and application before committing it to the main build. Using, she’ll walk you through some of the basics of Git, Docker, and YAML so you can configure your own build pipeline. These tools and techniques will help reduce debugging differences between your local environment and the build server. Creating your own pipeline will allow you to optimize and debug your automation without disrupting your team’s build pipeline.

Equinox Media

Janna Loeffler has more than fifteen years of software quality experience. She holds a bachelor's degree in computer engineering and a master's degree in business administration. Working in a variety of software engineering roles, including development, testing, quality assurance, and DevOps, has provided her with a holistic view of software engineering. She has worked on a wide variety of products, such as industrial controls, embedded medical devices, websites, mobile applications, and theme park attractions. Janna has a passion for helping people build high-quality software more efficiently.