STAREAST 2020 - Automation | TechWell

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STAREAST Virtual+ 2020 - Automation

Wednesday, May 6


Automating your accessibility testing with Selenium and Axe

Wednesday, May 6, 2020 - 11:30am to 12:30pm

Modern day laws make accessibility a key requirement for many applications. This presents a challenge for many testing teams. Luckily there are things like W3C’s WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) that help testers understand accessibility standards. But it’s even better for teams that are using Selenium because it is now fairly easy to extend your existing Selenium test suite with accessibility checks. In this session we will explore extending your Selenium suite with Axe. Axe being an open source accessibility testing framework. We will begin by talking about how you can add Axe...

Upland InGenius
Melissa Benua
Alison Wade
TechWell Corp.

Ask Us Anything

Wednesday, May 6, 2020 - 1:30pm to 2:30pm

What do YOU want to know? Maybe you have a technical automation question for the self-proclaimed lazy automator, Chris Loder? Perhaps you wanted to ask Melissa Benua about continuous testing, containers, or imposter syndrome? Maybe you're an aspiring conference speaker about automation and would like to know how to get started with your very own talk? Or conceivably your very curious mind wants to know "so why did Alison Wade start Women Who Test?" During this informal panel session, Melissa, Alison, and Chris will be at your disposal to answer this wide variety of questions on anything...

Nick Baynham
Frontline Insurance

Self-Healing Automation for Low-Maintenance Tests

Wednesday, May 6, 2020 - 2:45pm to 3:45pm

What if you could write your tests in such a way that when the elements change, your tests would automatically update? The webpages of an application change a lot throughout the life of a software application. Each developer implements the structure of a web page differently. In addition, sometimes different technology is brought in to replace the previous way of implementing it, or the pages are redesigned for a slightly different user experience. When this happens, you might spend a lot of time updating your automated tests—but what if you didn't have to? Nick Baynham will share...

Thursday, May 7

Melissa Benua

Fuzz Testing for Fun and Profit

Thursday, May 7, 2020 - 9:45am to 10:45am

A software test is no better than the data that drives it. Fuzz testing is a great way to find buggy, exploitable, or otherwise bad code—and if you’re working with a native application that operates on file input, it’s a solved problem. Grab an all-in-one suite, hit go, and profit! But what about web services? What about managed applications? For a service-based developer, fuzz testing your HTTP serving layer isn’t all that interesting if you’re running on the latest version of Apache. Fuzz testing your application along its interface boundaries, though? Very interesting—and not a problem...

EPAM Systems

AI in Testing: A Moderated Panel Discussion

Thursday, May 7, 2020 - 11:15am to 12:15pm

Artificial intelligence is the newest trend in software testing. But what is it, and how will it impact the tester's role, both today and in the future? What do you need to do to embrace this emerging technology? Adam Auerbach will moderate this panel discussion—which will include Jason Arbon, Jennifer Bonine, and Tariq King—to give you an opportunity to hear the opinions of industry leaders about AI in testing. You will have a chance to drive the debate, so come prepared with all your AI questions.