STAREAST 2020 Concurrent Session : Automating your accessibility testing with Selenium and Axe

Conference archive


Wednesday, May 6, 2020 - 11:30am to 12:30pm

Automating your accessibility testing with Selenium and Axe

Modern day laws make accessibility a key requirement for many applications. This presents a challenge for many testing teams. Luckily there are things like W3C’s WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) that help testers understand accessibility standards. But it’s even better for teams that are using Selenium because it is now fairly easy to extend your existing Selenium test suite with accessibility checks. In this session we will explore extending your Selenium suite with Axe. Axe being an open source accessibility testing framework. We will begin by talking about how you can add Axe to your existing project. After that we will cover how you can run the accessibility checks. Finally, we will talk about how to report your results and what those results mean.


Troy Walsh is the national quality engineering Practice Lead and DevOps lead for Magenic Technologies. He started his career in the DevOps space as a Release developer, creating custom build, deployment and installation solutions. He later transitioned to consulting where he developed a love for test automation. Troy is a frequent blogger, speaker (Agile DevOps West, STPCon, OnlineTestConf, Twin Cities Test Automation Group, SauceCon, The Executive Leadership Institute and more) and open source contributor (SeleniumAxeDotnet, MAQS, appium-dotnet-driver and more) with a passion for test automation and DevOps.