STAREAST 2018 - Agile Testing | TechWell

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STAREAST 2018 - Agile Testing

Wednesday, May 2

Shaun Bradshaw
Zenergy Technologies, Inc

Thirteen Patterns of Testers Thriving in Agile Teams

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Wednesday, May 2, 2018 - 11:30am to 12:30pm

For many, testing in agile teams remains one of the great mysteries of the agile world. In some organizations, testers are marginalized; in others, testers are active, engaged, and highly valued. So, what’s up? In this interactive session, Shaun Bradshaw explores the mindset and practices of “fully empowered” agile testers on high-performance agile teams. Throughout his agile coaching experience, Shaun has seen it all—from totally dysfunctional teams to those running like well-oiled machines … and everything in between. He’ll share real-world tactics to help you guide your team...

Mary Thorn Consulting

Agile Testing in Large Scale Organizations

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Wednesday, May 2, 2018 - 1:45pm to 2:45pm

Mary Thorn has had the opportunity in the past twenty years to work at many startups, creating several QA/test departments from scratch. For the past ten years, she has done this in agile software companies. Recently Mary moved from leading small agile test organizations to leading a large agile test organization where she has learned how to lead agile testers and agile testing in large contexts. Mary takes you through what she has learned, identifies the keys to transitioning your test organization as it grows, and discusses the techniques required to lead it through the changes. Agile...

Jeff Payne
Coveros, Inc.

Test Management in Agile—What Happened to All My Testers?

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Wednesday, May 2, 2018 - 3:00pm to 4:00pm

Substantial confusion exists about the roles and responsibilities of test management when using an agile software development process. Agile seeks to streamline project management and leadership under the role of a ScrumMaster. But what does this mean for test managers? How do they stay involved in the process? What role do they fill? Is it possible that test managers are no longer needed? Join Jeffery Payne for a collaborative dialog to discuss the pros and cons of a variety of test management models he has seen used by companies who have adopted agile. Learn how to best position yourself...