STAREAST 2017 Industry Technical Presentation - Why is Everyone Talking About the Future of Testing? | TechWell

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Wednesday, May 10, 2017 - 3:00pm to 3:45pm

Why is Everyone Talking About the Future of Testing?

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Over the past two years, the vast majority of industry experts have felt compelled to provide their perspective on “the future of testing.” This is unprecedented. Something must have fundamentally changed to generate so much buzz…what is it?

Although some claim that these fundamental industry shifts spell the death of “testing,” we believe they open an opportunity to elevate the role of the tester. This session explores the perfect storm currently disrupting testing, how it is already impacting testers across the industry, and how the role of testing and testers can evolve from a providing “hygiene” service to a becoming business-critical protector of the user experience. We’ll cover what changes are needed to drive this transformation—from IT leaders as well as within the QA organization.

• Why are we in the Perfect Storm?
• Why Software Testing Must Fundamentally Change
• The Role of the Tester will be Elevated


Ingo Philipp


After several years working as a scientist in particle physics and computational fluid dynamics, Ingo Philipp immersed himself in the multifaceted worlds of functional software testing and development. Ingo is on the product management team at Tricentis where his responsibilities range from product development and product marketing to test management, test conception, test design, and test automation. His experiences with software testing embrace the application of agile as well as classic testing methodologies in the insurance, banking, commerce, telecommunications, and energy sectors.