STAREAST 2017 Concurrent Session - Test Data Management and Its Role in DevOps | TechWell

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Thursday, May 11, 2017 - 11:15am to 12:15pm

Test Data Management and Its Role in DevOps

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Do you often have to wait for the availability of the right test data to complete your testing? Now imagine you are using continuous integration and continuous delivery with agile and DevOps, and your test data is not available when you need it. This is a challenge and a bottleneck for the rollout of true DevOps. The key to efficient test data management (TDM) is to streamline and automate the test data management process to deliver the test data in minutes, use correct datasets for test improvement and coverage, and secure the test data automatically, enabling shorter test cycles. Join Sunil Sehgal as he shares how to automate test data creation by retrieving and storing data with a game-changing data model—The Logical Unit. Sunil shows how to look at data a different way—storing and retrieving it based on business logic, thus the name Logical Unit. Join Sunil as he explains how this allows the business to easily design TDM’s base schema according to their needs, rather than trying to fit them into a pre-defined structure.
TechArcis Solutions, Inc.

A regular contributor to and other TechWell publications, Sunil Sehgal is an expert in quality assurance and testing solutions, with a focus on transformation initiatives that bring year-after-year cost and quality advantages. At TechArcis, Sunil leads the global strategy, innovation initiatives, and new solutions for the company. A thought leader in quality engineering and an early adopter of DevTestOps, Sunil is very active in creating innovative automation solutions for true implementation of agile and DevOps. His unique business and technology background—and hands-on experience across a range of business sectors—are valuable assets for his clients and TechArcis. Reach Sunil at [email protected].