Conference archive


Wednesday, May 4, 2016 - 11:30am to 12:30pm

Effective Testing and Automation with Visual Studio Team Services

Modern Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) requires integrated toolsets to manage software projects, from planning and development through testing and deployment with end-to-end traceability. A successful integration toolset includes a web-based interface, and features like test planning, creation, execution, and results. Many test options are supported including unit, manual, automated/UI, exploratory, and performance testing. Agile development demands frequent changes not only to applications but also to testing environments, so these integrated tools combine ALM, testing, and DevOps practices for traceability and consistency. See how you can use these tools to increase your efficiency and agility for on-premises, cloud, or cross-platform scenarios.

You will learn how to:

  • Drive quality and collaboration throughout the development process
  • Streamline quality with integrated test case management, manual and exploratory testing tools
  • Use Continuous delivery to ship regularly and predictably on any platform
  • Use Azure to support your software testing efforts
Esteban Garcia

Esteban Garcia


Esteban Garcia is the Founder and Chief Technologist at Nebbia Technology, an ALM consulting and Azure-powered technology company. Esteban Garcia is a software developer with a passion for Application Lifecycle Management, DevOps, Azure, and Agile software development best practices. Esteban is a Microsoft Visual Studio ALM MVP and ALM Ranger, Pluralsight author, and the president of ONETUG (Orlando .NET User Group). He has over 15 years of experience across multiple roles, building enterprise software and has been part of the Agile community since 2005.