STARCANADA 2019 - Continuous Testing | TechWell

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STARCANADA 2019 - Continuous Testing

Wednesday, October 23

Industrial Logic Canada

Continuous Delivery Requires Radical Changes for Testers

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Wednesday, October 23, 2019 - 10:15am to 11:15am

What do testing and quality look like in a continuous delivery world? Who does what and how? Is there still a need for testers, or do developers do all the testing? Is it really possible to achieve quality when you deploy to production many times each day? What should testers do when there is no time for a “testing phase”? These are some of the questions people in the testing community ask as the software development industry moves toward this new paradigm of design and delivery. Continuous delivery is a radical change in the way we build and deliver software, so it requires a radical...


Stabilizing Continuous Testing in DevOps

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Wednesday, October 23, 2019 - 11:30am to 12:30pm

Organizations have matured their software development practices over the past few years. Despite advancements and innovations, testing remains one of the biggest challenges in DevOps. To increase test automation coverage and scale agile, we need to match software testing deliveries with the right testing tool, the right skill set, and the right testing persona. This could be a developer, a software development engineer in test (SDET), or a test engineer. Eran Kinsbruner will address the most painful challenges developers and testers face and offer an agile testing approach that examines...