- Wait time is the silent killer of faster application delivery and nowhere is this more true than in testing. You need to be “testing early and often” while simultaneously creating practices that standardize and automate processes so they’re easier to monitor and enforce. Join this session to see how to:
- Increase your DevTesters' efficiency in building and maintaining automation assets using multiple SDKs
- Remove bottlenecks that often slow down projects and damage quality
- Accelerate feedback and visibility over pipeline execution
STARCANADA 2019 - Industry Technical Presentations
Get solutions to your top testing & QA challenges by attending the Industry Technical Presentations (ITPs). Offered alongside the concurrent sessions in 1-hour time slots, these presentations give you the opportunity to learn first-hand how solution providers have implemented their products and services in the real world. These solution providers are often on the leading edge of new technologies, tools, and practices and offer conference attendees a window into their future.
Industry Technical Presentations with full descriptions will be added to the conference site about 3-4 weeks before the live event.
In the meantime, join our mailing list and be the first to receive updates on the ITPs and other conference program updates.
Wednesday, October 23

Renato Quedas
Eliminate waiting times within continuous testing
Neil Price- Jones
What does Quality Assurance Do for you?
- Process Improvement – what is it and why is it important
- Why does QA matter to you?
- What do you use to get QA into your organisation?

Sarah Petrie
Continuous Testing Made Awesome with Sauce Labs
- Overview of how to run your automated Selenium tests in the Sauce Labs cloud
- Decrease the amount of time it takes your suite to run by executing tests in parallel
- Ensure your apps work all of the time with functional testing on real devices
Thursday, October 24

Anjali Chhabra Nandwani
Blockchain Testing
The past few years have seen a growing appreciation of Blockchain as a concept and its application in many industries especially in the Financial Services and Healthcare sector.
Testing for Blockchain is not straight-forward, due to the variables involved viz. technology stack (smart contracts and associate rules can be written in many languages), domain considerations, user experience covering complex interfaces, environment set-up needs. In addition, the non-functional aspects such as security, performance and accessibility take center stage due to the rapidly growing number of...