Mastering Test Automation Course | STARCANADA

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Mastering Test Automation

A Proven Path to Automation Success

Learn how to evaluate your application and implement a proven framework and automation strategy that reduces code, increases maintainability, and enables non-technical users. This course is a proven, practical, step-by-step approach that can be used with any application and any test tool.

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Contact us for more information 904.278.0524 or 888.268.8770

Select a learning mode button (Public, Live Virtual, etc.) for pricing, details, and a downloadable fact sheet.
  • Integrate your test library with the application for maximum maintainability
  • Build a robust, flexible, and reusable framework with the least code possible
  • Design a global error handling and recovery system
  • Develop test cases using data—not code

Knowledge Is Power
Whether you are just thinking of automating testing, are right in the middle of it, or have already given up, this course is for you. Learn how to evaluate your application and implement a proven framework and automation strategy that reduces code, increases maintainability, and enables non-technical users. Take advantage of the latest test automation development tools to make your job easier and less risky while improving ROI.

A Proven Approach
This course is not about theory; it is a proven, practical, step-by-step approach that can be used with any application and any test tool. It explores how to work with developers to find out what you need and get what you want, and shows you how to organize your automation project to get results as fast as possible.

Who Should Attend?
This course is designed for anyone who is either planning to automate or is already involved. No technical skills or experience are required; all technical concepts will be explained. The course is tool and application neutral, but the concepts and examples are better suited to UI testing than services or APIs.

Questions? 929.777.8102 [email protected]
Course Outline

Principles of Automation
What is essential to test automation design?
Why you should not write code to test code
How to manage the three types of automation risk

Evaluating Your Application
What makes an application a candidate for automation?
What makes automation impossible?
What is development’s role?
Why not capture replay?
What about scripting?
What is a framework?
What are framework types?

Defining the Application Map
Four techniques for mapping your application
Essential elements of a map
Class library
Object inventory

Developing the Class Action Library
Standard classes
Custom classes
Standard actions
Custom actions

Designing the Execution Framework
Mega process
Step driver
Exception handler
Test log
Error log

Implementing Datasets
Test environment data
When to use variables
Dynamic test data

Error Handling and Recovery
Error types
Local error handler
Global error handler

Implementation Considerations
Database versus Spreadsheets
Tool or Language


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