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Koray Yitmen


As a consultant, instructor, and managing partner, Koray Yitmen has led many multi-national, cross-functional teams in the banking, telco, insurance, media, and IT industries. Challenged by the diversity of his projects’ cultural, domain, and people issues, Koray has succeeded by putting stakeholder requirements first. After spending almost his entire career focused on quality, Koray is now working with UXservices to create better user experiences for clients by providing strategy articulation, persona creation, interaction design, information architecture, prototyping, visual design, and usability testing services. He serves as program chair for the TestIstanbul conferences and also takes part in non-profit organizations and events.

Speaker Presentations
Wednesday, April 10, 2013 - 10:30am
Special Topics
Usability Testing: Personas, Scenarios, Use Cases, and Test Cases

To create better test cases, Koray Yitmen says you must know your users. And the path to better test case creation in usability testing starts with the segmentation and definition of users, a concept known as personas. Contrary to common market-wise segmentation that focuses on users' demographic information, personas focus on users’ behavioral characteristics, animating them in the minds of designers, developers, and testers. Put these personas “on stage” and let them play their roles in user scenarios.