To keep your iOS app running butter-smooth at 60 frames per second, Apple recommends doing as many tasks as possible asynchronously or “off the main thread.” Joe Keeley introduces you to some basic concepts of asynchronous programming in iOS. He discusses what threads and queues are, how they are related, and the special significance of the main queue to iOS. Look at what options are available in the iOS SDK to work asynchronously, including NSOperationQueues and Grand Central Dispatch. Take an in depth look at how to implement some common use cases for those options in Swift. Joe pays...
Joe Keeley
Partner and Lead Engineer
A partner and lead engineer at MartianCraft, Joe Keeley crafts technical solutions and solves business problems—from enterprise software systems at companies including Apple, AMD, Vistar, Intelligent Electronics, and Ahold USA/Stop and Shop/MAC Risk Management; to iOS solutions for venture-funded startups and Fortune 100 companies. He is the coauthor of Mastering iOS Frameworks and iOS Components and Frameworks: Understanding the Advanced Features of iOS SDK. Joe organizes the Denver Cocoaheads group, frequently presents development topics at conferences and developer meetings, and authored two instructional iOS development videos produced by Addison-Wesley Professional.