Better Software West 2018 - Systems Thinking for DevOps | TechWell

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Better Software West 2018 - Systems Thinking for DevOps

Thursday, June 7

Logan Daigle

Managing DevOps Complexity with Systems Thinking

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Thursday, June 7, 2018 - 1:30pm to 2:30pm

Many teams make the mistake of starting their DevOps journey without a plan. They are excited that there is a way to eliminate pain and increase value in their delivery cycles and value streams, but starting without a plan often relieves pain in one part of the value stream but only causes more pain elsewhere. In this case study-style presentation, Logan Daigle will discuss the methods he has used with a variety of companies to ensure they are thinking about the whole DevOps picture from the beginning. He'll discuss best steps and practices for applying systems thinking to DevOps and give...