Better Software West 2018 - Pros and Cons of Continuous Delivery | TechWell

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Better Software West 2018 - Pros and Cons of Continuous Delivery

Thursday, June 7

Jeff Payne
Coveros, Inc.

The Great Debate: The Pros and Cons of Continuous Delivery

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Thursday, June 7, 2018 - 1:30pm to 2:30pm

The Great Continuous Delivery Debate There is a lot of debate about whether continuous delivery is a boon or a curse. Proponents will sing the praises of being able to deliver software into production very frequently with no manual intervention. Skeptics will highlight the challenges delivering quality, working with legacy code, and the need for intensive system-wide assurance activities prior to deploying into production. So which is it? Can most organizations benefit from continuous delivery and, if so, how? Or is continuous delivery a pipedream and only reachable by the select few....