Agile + DevOps West 2019 Concurrent Session : Hunting Sasquatch: Finding Intermittent Issues Using Periodic Automation

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Wednesday, June 5, 2019 - 11:45am to 12:45pm

Hunting Sasquatch: Finding Intermittent Issues Using Periodic Automation

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In pop culture, Sasquatch (aka Bigfoot) is an ape-like creature infrequently seen in the Pacific Northwest of North America—if he even exists. In the software realm, we have our own version of Sasquatch: that irritating, elusive "intermittent issue." Traditionally, we run automated tests on event boundaries, like when we have a successful deployment; we look for problems when we think they may have been introduced. Logically, points of change are when we expect to have injected issues, so we tend to only look for issues then. This approach alone, however, limits opportunities to reproduce intermittent issues. If we also run our automation periodically, we have additional opportunities to reproduce these types of issues; we call this approach periodic automation. Paul Grizzaffi will give a real-world example of when periodic automation helped locate an elusive issue, an explanation of how this approach relates to high-volume automated testing (HiVAT), some HiVAT basics, and some considerations we need to be mindful of when implementing periodic automation in order to avoid desensitization to failures.


As a Principal Automation Architect at Magenic, Paul Grizzaffi is following his passion of providing technology solutions to testing and QA organizations, including automation assessments, implementations, and through activities benefiting the broader testing community. An accomplished keynote speaker and writer, Paul has spoken at both local and national conferences and meetings. He is an advisor to Software Test Professionals and STPCon, as well as a member of the Industry Advisory Board of the Advanced Research Center for Software Testing and Quality Assurance (STQA) at UT Dallas where he is a frequent guest lecturer. Paul enjoys sharing his experiences and learning from other testing professionals; his mostly cogent thoughts can be read on his blog.