Agile + DevOps East 2020 Tutorial: Don’t Make Your Training Work Against the Brain!

Conference archive


Tuesday, November 10, 2020 - 10:00am to 1:30pm

Don’t Make Your Training Work Against the Brain!


We’ve all been there - 300 pages PowerPoint slides, a full day ”brain dump” lecture-style attempt at upskilling for a new technology or onboarding new hires. Boring and ineffective!  Our brain will surely fight back by forgetting 70% of it the very next day and almost all of it in about a week. What a waste of time and money! Join this tutorial to experience a different way to learn, train, and facilitate your meetings. Dana Pylayeva will take you through best practices for designing and delivering your content for long-term retention. You will be introduced to some of the key ideas from internationally recognized “Training from the Back of the Room” framework, developed by Sharon Bowman. Dana will share stories from her own applications of this model for in-room as well as virtual delivery. Hands-on and highly practical, this tutorial will offer you several simple and powerful techniques for keeping audiences active and engaged. You’ll leave inspired and prepared to improve effectiveness, engagement, and stickiness of your own training

Agile Play Consulting LLC

Dana Pylayeva is a DevOps culture coach, trainer, international speaker, author of several books and games.. Her games (“Introduction to DevOps with Lego and Chocolate”, “Fear in the Workplace” and others) are all based on stories from the trenches. She draws inspiration from 20+ years of hands-on experience in IT, from her Business Agility/DevOps culture coaching and facilitating change in Fortune 500 companies. A leader of the global Agile community she serves as a program chair for Agile2020, runs several local meetups in NYC and mentors agilists around the world.