STARWEST 2023 Industry Presentation : Unraveling the Maintenance Mayhem: The Critical Role of Maintenance in Continuous Quality Assurance

Conference archive


Thursday, October 5, 2023 - 11:15am to 12:00pm

Unraveling the Maintenance Mayhem: The Critical Role of Maintenance in Continuous Quality Assurance

Presented by: 
Avo Automation logo

Maintenance mayhem in the testing space is a term used to describe the chaos that can ensue when a software system is upgraded, and test cases are not properly maintained. This can lead to several problems, including increased risk of bugs, reduced performance, and overall reduction of the value in the automation coverage. All these problems lead to a lack of long-term success in automated testing and thus slower software delivery.
In the dynamic landscape of software development, where Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) have become the standard for achieving rapid and reliable application releases, Continuous Quality Assurance (QA) stands as an equally essential pillar. However, the significance of continuous QA is often overlooked, leading to a state of "Maintenance Mayhem" that severely hampers QA efforts in the software development life cycle.

In this enlightening talk, With the ability of self-healing and Impact analysis, we will delve into the importance of an easy approach to maintaining automated test cases, especially SaaS applications that undergo frequent upgrades.  We will discuss strategies and techniques to keep coverage level high while also ensuring continuous testing is achieved through automation thus enabling the true goal of automation - Faster software delivery and high ROI.

The message is clear: If businesses don’t think about the depleting effect of poor maintenance early, they will experience the depletion of value for automation quickly. 

Our aim is to reflect the importance of test maintenance and not ignore this critical step in the automation lifecycle.

Navroz Vadsaria photo

Navroz Vadsaria

Avo Automation

As a Senior Solutions Engineer at Avo Automation, Navroz Vadsaria brings over a decade of expertise in automation engineering and test automation to the table. His unwavering dedication to enhancing software quality through streamlined test automation has been his driving force throughout his career. He has collaborated with numerous prominent organizations, aiding them in the implementation of automation strategies and the enhancement of their QA processes. His extensive skill set spans coding, RPA, and testing, granting him profound insights into the current state and future prospects of the test automation landscape.