STARWEST 2023 Industry Presentation : Finally, Accessibility Makes Sense

Conference archive


Thursday, October 5, 2023 - 1:30pm to 2:15pm

Finally, Accessibility Makes Sense

Presented by: 
Evinced logo

Engineers have wanted for years to incorporate digital accessibility checks into their functional and other sorts of tests. But existing solutions were simply too clunky and underpowered to really be worth the effort.

That isn't true anymore. Join us as we demonstrate how easy and powerful accessibility testing has become, for both web and mobile, with effectively zero maintenance.

Kevin Berg photo

Kevin Berg


Kevin Berg is the VP of Solutions Engineering at Evinced, where he is dedicated to helping leading enterprises improve and accelerate their digital accessibility efforts.  Prior to Evinced, Kevin spent six years at Sauce Labs, a leading functional test automation platform, where he eventually led global solutions engineering.  When he is not helping Evinced customers through challenges, Kevin is home in Montana making stuff (he is a hobby machinist), playing his oboe (he's a classically trained musician with a doctorate from the University of Texas), and enjoying family life with his wife and two kids.