STARWEST 2023 Industry Presentation : Best Practices for Highly Testable Applications and Robotic Process Automation

Conference archive


Wednesday, October 4, 2023 - 1:30pm to 2:15pm

Best Practices for Highly Testable Applications and Robotic Process Automation

Presented by: 

Come hear from our testing experts from Progress on how to make your applications more testable. We will discuss the latest approaches on achieving agility with accurate and maintainable testing.  Also, we will talk about when to use RPA in your day-to-day operations.

Andy Wieland photo

Andy Wieland


Andy Wieland is the Manager of Sales Engineering at Telerik, a Progress company. Andy has been working in the software industry for 19 years as a Sales Engineer and Consultant to 1000’s of customer implementations on optimization and automation software.  Andy is a Certified Scrum Master and coach of agile project execution and product management. In his free time, you will find him coaching flag football, riding his bike, or hanging with his family.

Rick Hellwege photo

Rick Hellwege


Rick Hellwege is a software engineer, maker, and Principal Sales Engineer at Progress with 15 years of experience in the software industry. Rick has a passion for experimenting with the latest technologies and frameworks, and constantly finding out how things work. When not writing code and driving demos, he can either be found on the most remote peaks of New England’s White Mountains, covered in sawdust in his workshop, or digging the earth in his garden.