STARWEST 2023 - Performance Testing | TechWell

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STARWEST 2023 - Performance Testing

Thursday, October 5

Grafana k6

Chihuahua Load Tests!

Thursday, October 5, 2023 - 1:30pm to 2:30pm

Because, bigger isn't always better. Especially nowadays. Do your teams need help accommodating those humongous load tests in your agile & continuous projects? Do you need frozen environments? Or, stop (freeze) all new changes until you can execute your colossal test? Everything to find the limits of your cloud, elastic, and distributed application? All of that struggle to repeat it because the metrics you've got became invalid with the next release? You should reframe the perspective and stop focusing on generating a few massive load tests. Why not have Chihuahua-sized load tests? You...

Grafana Labs

Distributed Load Testing in Kubernetes

Thursday, October 5, 2023 - 3:00pm to 4:00pm

In an increasingly interconnected digital world, consumers of online services have become more savvy with ever-increasing expectations. The performance and scalability of these online services are critical to their success, and load testing is an important tool to evaluate these capabilities. Traditional centralized load testing needs to catch up in replicating real-world scenarios. Organizations should replicate actual user behavior by distributing simulated user traffic across multiple geographically diverse locations, enabling a more realistic evaluation of system performance and...