STARWEST 2023 - Exploratory Testing | TechWell

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STARWEST 2023 - Exploratory Testing

Wednesday, October 4

Carpe Data

Exploratory Testing As Code

Wednesday, October 4, 2023 - 11:30am to 12:30pm

What if testing followed the lead of revolutions in infrastructure and configuration management. What if testers treated exploratory testing like developers do code? Exploratory testing is a powerful and effective technique. However, its acceptance is inhibited because there isn’t a common structured process that enables the traceability and transparency to make it a standard across the software industry. In this session, Brendan Connolly will introduce the tooling and process needed to implement a light-weight, scalable, transparent, and traceable approach to managing exploratory testing...

Insider Intelligence

The Theatre of Exploratory Testing: Going Off Script

Wednesday, October 4, 2023 - 1:30pm to 2:30pm

Ask a handful of testers to define exploratory testing. Some will respond that it’s simply poking around—try something, see what breaks, and then try something else. Many will identify it as an iterative process of learning and experimentation. But ask about what makes exploratory testing hard, and you find that practitioners are challenged in knowing where to start, what to test, when to stop, and how to know if they’ve found a bug. What makes for good exploratory testing? Join Philip as he examines the techniques of the actors of the Commedia dell'Arte, the 16th century approach...