STARWEST 2023 - BDD | TechWell

Conference archive


Thursday, October 5


A Realistic Approach to Scalable Testing for Cross-Team Distributed Systems

Thursday, October 5, 2023 - 9:45am to 10:45am

Let’s face it. Building tests tends to take more time than developing new features themselves. It is tedious to build sufficient coverage and cumbersome to maintain long-term. However, on an enterprise systems-level, tests are crucial in ensuring bugs or defects are caught before they reach clients. As engineers, we pour our hearts and souls into trying to identify defects before we release our code to clients. But when rolling out big features, it is rare to successfully complete a software deployment process without some errors popping up along the way. This challenge becomes...

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Simplify Agile Testing Using SPOCK

Thursday, October 5, 2023 - 11:15am to 12:15pm

This session will share how to simplify agile testing using SPOCK. If your team is being impacted by complexity in your testing, improve your design with self-contained, repeatable, and independent tests with consistent and expressive reports. Reduce cycle time and test more often. SPOCK also easily integrates with DevOps pipelines for a frictionless testing transformation. By applying these techniques, Pradynya Adwankar saw significant improvement in her development teams’ confidence in testing more often, an improved level of efficiency, and faster deployments. See how your non-...