STARWEST 2023 Concurrent Session : Embracing Disruption: Adding a Bit of Chaos to Help You Grow!

Conference archive


Thursday, October 5, 2023 - 1:30pm to 2:30pm

Embracing Disruption: Adding a Bit of Chaos to Help You Grow!

As software systems have become more distributed and complex, the "shift-left" movement brings reliability testing to earlier stages of development. Ensuring reliability goes beyond simple end-to-end tests. To ensure the highest levels of reliability, you must perform a suite of testing types. Incorporate contract tests to validate APIs; load tests for scaling predictability. But how to test for those inevitable failures? Let's learn from Chaos Engineering principles by incorporating disruptive behavior into your system before production. Join Paul as we learn ways to incorporate a plethora of testing into your software development pipeline. We'll discuss the pros and cons of each and what you can do to add these to your processes. By embracing a little disruption, you can significantly improve the reliability of your system.

Grafana Labs

Paul Balogh is a CNCF Ambassador, GoBridge Ambassador, and a Developer Advocate at Grafana Labs. In this role, he encourages developers and testers alike to "shift left," bringing reliability testing earlier in the software development process. He's been a software engineer/architect for over 25 years, programming in various languages and platforms. Working with the open source community around cloud technologies like k6, Kubernetes, and Kafka, among others, keeps him young, as do his interests in punk rock music and playing bass guitar.