STARWEST 2020 - DevOps | TechWell

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STARWEST Virtual+ 2020 - DevOps

Wednesday, October 7

Richard Mills

DevOps Approach to Ensure Quality in Microservices

Wednesday, October 7, 2020 - 1:00pm to 2:00pm

Your team has followed industry trends and shifted from a monolithic system to a widely distributed, scalable, and highly available microservice architecture. However, instead of solving all your problems with fragile legacy architecture, you ended up with a set of federated services that have hidden dependencies which are maintained by teams that don't talk to each other. You’re stuck with the inability to figure out which versions work together driving the need to test your still-monolithic system in pieces and as a whole. This looks suspiciously like a DevOps problem and your delivery...


Push on Green: Leveraging Automated Testing to Speed up the SDLC

Wednesday, October 7, 2020 - 2:15pm to 3:15pm

Everyone wants to develop software quickly, but there is a valid concern that increasing velocity may decrease quality. At Indeed, we set a company-wide goal to double velocity of our software development without hurting the quality of our releases. To accomplish this goal, we looked at each stage of the software development lifecycle and found which parts took the most time. Deployment and verification in our QA environment was one of the biggest bottlenecks and was due to our historic reliance on human quality assurance testing for each release. To alleviate this bottleneck, we...

National Bank of Canada

Dynamic Test Environments for Continuous Testing

Wednesday, October 7, 2020 - 3:45pm to 4:45pm

Continuous Testing initiatives cope with several issues, some of them are highly linked to environments and test data. End-to-end environments do not allow on-demand deployments, since they are usually shared across other applications and used by manual testers. Using dynamic environments, which means on demand environment created from scratch for test execution, will help to resolve both these issues: to remove the collision with manual testing or other applications, and to control test data available for testing. During this presentation, I will do a live demonstration of a continuous...

Thursday, October 8

J.B. Hunt Transport, Inc.

Life Is Better When Things Flow – Apply 0/100 Principle to CI/CD

Thursday, October 8, 2020 - 11:30am to 12:30pm

“0/100”, or zero defects and 100% first-time-through (FTT), is the holy grail of the Lean manufacturing movement. Zero defects mean that your product or service will have no defects when it is provided to the customer and 100% FTT means that as your in-progress work moves through your workstations or value stream, it is successful on the first try so there is no re-work or in-process repair. In this presentation, I will demonstrate that how the 0/100 principle and other Lean Manufacturing tools and techniques can be applied in automated software delivery process, especially when you have a...


Bad Code Kills: 6 Essential Quality Gates You Need in Your CI/CD

Thursday, October 8, 2020 - 1:00pm to 2:00pm

Enterprises today are all about increasing software delivery velocity. But with shorter release cycles, code quality is often sacrificed. As the first line of defense for software quality and customer experience, development and QA teams are under pressure to prevent code defects from escaping into production, yet they need to also manage unprecedented workloads with less time and resources to invest in testing code than ever before. To help address these gaps, we’ve identified 6 key quality gates that can be built into your CI/CD pipeline using open source plugins and used to clearly...