STARWEST 2020 - API Testing | TechWell

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STARWEST Virtual+ 2020 - API Testing

Thursday, October 8

API Fortress

API Monitors: A False Sense of Security

Thursday, October 8, 2020 - 11:30am to 12:30pm

APIs are the backbone of our web and mobile platforms today. They literally run the world, yet we don’t monitor them properly. Traditional approaches to monitoring have focused too much on performance and ping tests. That approach has proven to be highly unreliable, failing to alert teams when an API is not functioning correctly. Now, with more and faster releases thanks to agile, the problem of unreliable APIs is becoming worse. That’s why a new measure is needed that goes beyond uptime - Functional Uptime. Monitors should reproduce actual user flows that validate that the entire chain of...


Leveraging Contract Testing with Pact for Microservices

Thursday, October 8, 2020 - 1:00pm to 2:00pm

More and more, software architecture moves to use micro service schemes, and how to ensure communication between services has become more important under this distributed software architecture. Other than testing pyramid strategies that we've already known about, I will introduce another layer in the service layer testing. During this talk, I will address the importance of contract testing in micro service architecture, why and how contract testing would help on quality assurance of services. Also, I will introduce some industrial tools and framework we could apply on achieving it. I will...