STARWEST 2020 - Agile Testing | TechWell

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STARWEST Virtual+ 2020 - Agile Testing

Wednesday, October 7

Jenna Charlton
Coveros, Inc.

Testing Treasure Maps: The Art of Crafting Charters

Wednesday, October 7, 2020 - 1:00pm to 2:00pm

At the heart of agile testing execution is the charter. Charters should guide our testing and help us focus our exploration on what's most important and impactful. Unlike scripts generated for waterfall testing, there's an art to crafting charters. Charters help us avoid the dragon of wasteful testing or getting lost in the labyrinth of distraction to help us reach the treasure chest of good enough quality. We'll discuss adventuring our way through heuristics, assembling our party (personas), side quests to encourage exploration, navigating your way through a test session, and using your...

West Monroe Partners

Testing the Agile Manifesto

Wednesday, October 7, 2020 - 2:15pm to 3:15pm

Agile principles and associated approaches to software development have been in use for more than a decade. However, teams are still unsure of how to integrate testing as not only specific tasks within a given process (Scrum, kanban, TDD, etc.), but as an extension of the philosophies and mindset that produced the Agile Manifesto in the first place. As a result, teams either ignore testing, test less than is necessary, or dramatically over-test by acting like we’re still on a waterfall project in 1987. Paul Herzog will take a trip back to the very beginning of agile by walking...

State Farm Insurance Companies

A Journey of Transformation to an Agile-Based Performance Testing Model

Wednesday, October 7, 2020 - 3:45pm to 4:45pm

Waterfall project development used to result in an overly expensive and drawn-out testing process, eating up valuable project schedule days. As project management transformed to product management, testing took a different approach to meet the demanding needs of product owners and keep up with the speed of agile. Theron Melrose's team recently lived this transition, starting from a centralized approach that performance tested every change and every deployment and caused 10- or 12-week performance testing cycles, and ending with a transformation. Join him to hear how a risk-based approach...