STARWEST 2018 - Automation, Development, Test, Release | TechWell

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STARWEST 2018 - Automation, Development, Test, Release

Wednesday, October 3

Seretta Gamba

7 Proven Ways to Ruin Your Test Automation

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Wednesday, October 3, 2018 - 11:30am to 12:30pm

Test automation projects fail, but why? Could you stop it from happening? In this tongue-in-cheek talk, Seretta Gamba will share seven proven methods to disrupt or utterly ruin a test automation project, including letting a lone champion keep important knowledge to himself, ignoring good programming practices, setting impossible goals, and feigning support. Seretta’s humorous recommendations will provide managers, testers, and automators alike with the early signs of an automation project in danger. By “warning” that the most effective defenses are found using the test automation...