STARWEST 2018 - Test Transformation | TechWell

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STARWEST 2018 - Test Transformation

Thursday, October 4

Independent Consultant

Evolution—Not Revolution: Transforming Your Testing

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Thursday, October 4, 2018 - 9:45am to 10:45am

You may have heard the saying “The only constant on any project is change.” Yet the prospect of change is rarely welcomed—either personally or professionally. How is it that we still believe that these changes apply to others but not to us? Julie Gardiner says that now is the time to re-evaluate and transform how we do testing in order to deliver more value to organizations—from a people, processes, and tools perspective. Join Julie as she shares current experiences of transformations and lessons learned within different organizations. She discusses an automation framework that ended up...

Valtech Canada

Building a Skilled Testing Practice In an Innovative Digital Agency

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Thursday, October 4, 2018 - 11:15am to 12:15pm

Everybody wants to have their projects tested so that they can deliver top-notch products to their clients. But with multiple projects all running in parallel, all with tight deadlines and all needing testing, simply allocating a tester on a project for some time isn’t going to give you quality. This, in turn, can sometimes make our stakeholders question the value of testing. Join Nimesh Patel as he shares his experience in building a test practice and team from the ground up into valued, credible members of a project, in a digital agency where the focus is often on delivering...