STARWEST 2018 - Test Strategy, Planning, Metrics | TechWell

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STARWEST 2018 - Test Strategy, Planning, Metrics

Wednesday, October 3


The Logic of Verification

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Wednesday, October 3, 2018 - 11:30am to 12:30pm

Software testing is sometimes described as “verification and validation”—or, according to Wikipedia, “the process of checking that a software system meets specifications and that it fulfills its intended purpose.” Yet, renowned tester and teacher Michael Bolton argues, if we examine the concept and logic of verification, we quickly recognize that there are serious limitations to what can and cannot be checked and verified. This is not to say that checking is a bad thing—on the contrary; checking can be very valuable. Still, it’s important for testers and their clients to recognize the...


Improve Planning Estimates by Reducing Your Human Biases

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Wednesday, October 3, 2018 - 1:45pm to 2:45pm

Are you puzzled about why your estimate turned out wrong, or stressed from working to meet an impossible deadline? Some teams on inaccurately estimated projects suffer stress, burnout, and poor quality as pressure is applied to stick to an unrealistic schedule. Such project teams also descend into irrational decision-making—with potentially catastrophic consequences. Frustratingly, even when teams perform well, they are often judged by their failure to meet impossible deadlines. Andrew Brown will show how estimation errors are caused not just by new technology or intentionally...

WillowTree Apps

Risk Based Testing: Communicating WHY You Can't Test Everything

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Wednesday, October 3, 2018 - 3:00pm to 4:00pm

The idea of testing everything is a popular one—in fact many stakeholders think that’s exactly what their quality teams do. It usually isn’t and can’t be; but how can teams communicate this? Join Jenny Bramble as she helps to pave the way using the language of risk-based testing. By defining risk in two simple parts, the team and project have a tangible and usable metric. She shares how to apply this metric and use it to determine where the team should focus testing, making it more effective and efficient whilst communicating that effort through the creation of a risk matrix. As a result,...

Thursday, October 4

Gitte Ottosen

Risk Based Testing – Are You Talking the Talk, Or Walking the Walk?

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Thursday, October 4, 2018 - 3:00pm to 4:00pm

Risk-based testing is essential to focus our testing, but it is not always easy to apply to our projects. Risk management tends to focus more on project and process risks (i.e., Will we make the deadline? Do we follow our processes?) and less on the product risks that can act as a foundation for a risk-based approach to test. Including this aspect of risk in your test coverage will give you a solid foundation for defining a test strategy that implements and executes the right tests with the right intensity to mitigate the most critical product risks. In this presentation, Gitte...