STAREAST 2020 - Exploratory Testing | TechWell

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STAREAST Virtual+ 2020 - Exploratory Testing

Monday, May 4


Critical Thinking for Software Testers

Monday, May 4, 2020 - 9:00am to 5:00pm
Note: Delegates are encouraged—but not required—to bring a computer to this tutorial.

Critical thinking is the kind of thinking that specifically looks for problems and mistakes. Regular people don't do a lot of it. However, if you want to be a great tester, you need to be a great critical thinker. Critically-thinking testers save projects from dangerous assumptions and ultimately from disasters. The good news is that critical thinking is not just innate intelligence or a talent—it's a learnable and improvable skill you can master. Michael Bolton shares the specific techniques and heuristics of critical thinking and presents realistic testing puzzles that help you practice...

Tuesday, May 5


X-Ray Vision For Testers: How to Analyze Things

Tuesday, May 5, 2020 - 9:00am to 5:00pm

How do we go about understanding something complex? How do we move from confusion to clarity? What strategies and approaches can we use to identify and reason about things that matter? When we’re dropped into a testing situation, how do we make sense of it all? How can we rapidly achieve a deeper understanding of things that we know little or nothing about? How can we develop skills to make us more powerful testers? The answer to these questions is analysis - the study of things and ideas by examining their elements and structure. In this one-day tutorial, Michael Bolton will lead...