STAREAST 2020 Industry Presentation : Getting Ahead With Testing Certifications!

Conference archive


Wednesday, May 6, 2020 - 2:45pm to 3:45pm

Getting Ahead With Testing Certifications!

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Testing certifications continue to evolve with new ones being introduced and existing ones being updated. As the US board for ISTQB, ASTQB develops all exams and accredits all courses for the United States. Learn about the most recent certifications that have been introduced and those that have been updated. Let us show you how these are relevant to you and your professional development in software testing.

Andrew Pollner

Andrew Pollner

ASTQB - American Software Testing Qualifications Board

Mr. Pollner is President of the American Software Testing Qualifications Board (ASTQB) where he has served as a director since 2004. Mr. Pollner is chair of the International Software Testing Qualifications Board (ISTQB) Performance Testing syllabus and Advanced Test Automation syllabus working groups.