STAREAST 2020 - Test Strategy | TechWell

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STAREAST Virtual+ 2020 - Test Strategy

Wednesday, May 6

AmiBug.Com, Inc.

Exploring Microservice Integration Risks

Wednesday, May 6, 2020 - 11:30am to 12:30pm

Transactional testers are experts in exposing weakness in multi-tier solutions, but they sometimes run into trouble applying their web-based experience to new microservice API solutions. New risks are present, and old risks have shifted around. REST APIs are naturally scalable, robust cloud-based technologies, but converting multi-tier applications to a microservice design exposes new risks in operation order, payload dependency, and stateless system. Rob Sabourin will share his experience in applying test planning, design, and implementation strategies to ferret out critical microservice...

Priyanka Halder
Goodrx Inc

Moving at Startup Speed

Wednesday, May 6, 2020 - 1:30pm to 2:30pm

The startup world is fast, demanding, and challenging. In order to be on top of the market in the software industry, most of the time a startup needs to move fast and ship even faster, while also fighting with budget and ROI issues. As a QA leader, how do you survive in this hostile environment and keep up with this crazy speed? How do you set realistic goals for yourself, your department, and your organization? Priyanka Halder will walk you through her tried and tested formula to succeed in a startup environment. Learn how to avoid feeling burned out, leverage and motivate your whole team...

WillowTree Apps

Setting Your Tests Up to Fail

Wednesday, May 6, 2020 - 2:45pm to 3:45pm

It's a fact of life that we often have to write automated UI tests for features that have defects, or that interact with 3rd party APIs that aren't returning the right responses, or for items that we know aren't working right. When the team has decided that the behavior isn't going to be fixed, what's an automation engineer to do? Let the tests fail? Not write them? Champion harder for the defects? Jenny suggests writing your tests to pass. By creating tests that pass on the current expected behavior (the defect), we are in a perfect position to tell when the defect is resolved, or the api...