STAREAST 2020 - AI/ML | TechWell

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STAREAST Virtual+ 2020 - AI/ML

Thursday, May 7

Oren Rubin

The Truth about AI and How it Applies to End to End Testing

Thursday, May 7, 2020 - 9:45am to 10:45am

Similar to the concept of self-driving cars, autonomous testing refers to the use of software to aid dev teams in testing applications, and it is germane to risk management, maintenance and test authoring. By automating the software validation aspect of quality assurance, autonomous testing allows engineering teams to deliver higher quality products much faster. In this talk, Testim CEO, Oren Rubin will break down the truth about AI as it pertains to functional end to end (E2E) testing. He will describe the four Levels of AI Assistance in testing activities:

Level 0, Manual Authoring...