STAREAST 2020 Concurrent Session : A Seismic Shift in Software Testing: Rise of the Machines

Conference archive


Thursday, May 7, 2020 - 3:00pm to 4:00pm

A Seismic Shift in Software Testing: Rise of the Machines

Even sophisticated businesses struggle with software testing. End-to-end (E2E) testing, though vital, has remained a costly and inconsistent method of catching bugs. But there’s a light at the end of this tunnel. Advances in machine learning (ML) have increased test execution speed and stability. Now, technologies are emerging that allow machines to analyze live user traffic to produce test cases—using data to focus E2E testing on what users care about. In time, these technologies will be stitched together to allow machines to own the entire E2E testing process. This seismic shift is extremely valuable, but it will challenge 20 years of conventional thinking. Management practices and processes have revolved around humans using their intuition to decide what is important to test. Given past challenges, most teams find comfort in having tight oversight over that process, and in having large, unwieldy test suites in an attempt to test "everything." Software leaders will need to give up their control of deciding what to test and embrace that data will drive a fundamentally better result. Learn what shifts you'll have to make to take advantage of the rise of the machines.

Daniel Widing

Dan Widing is CEO and co-founder at ProdPerfect, where he’s fixing the web by analyzing live user traffic to automate QA engineering. Before founding ProdPerfect, Dan was director of engineering at WeSpire, making enterprise employee engagement software. And before that, he ran engineering for a number of startups and was a software performance consultant to Fortune 500 companies at Avanade. He graduated the University of Illinois Urbana–Champaign with a bachelor's of science in materials engineering.