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Marquis Waller


A software architect for a large enterprise workflow software, Marquis Waller focuses on requirements and test-driven design as well as looking at establishing agile best practices in the area of release planning. Marquis has led international agile teams, working to show the importance of collaboration between development and QA. He has more than twenty patents disclosed and worked with several teams to understand how to write patents in an agile world.

Speaker Presentations
Thursday, May 7, 2015 - 9:45am
Test Automation
Verify Complex Product Migrations with Automation

In the world of agile, automation is king. When faced with testing multiple versions of software, either while migrating or supporting multiple versions in the field, many teams give up, convinced that automation cannot be achieved. Marquis Waller and Jeff Sikkink provide insights into how using tools—Jenkins, VMware API, Selenium, and others—can allow you to create a rich set of migration tests. They discuss the challenges they face maintaining migration testing for a large enterprise workflow product that runs on three different operating systems (AIX, Linux, Windows). Marquis and Jeff share how they overcame un-automatable software to create a system that tests more than thirty different migration scenarios and runs thousands of automated Selenium test cases after each software build. Providing error reports, logging for defect correction, and significant time savings, this system allows the team to focus on new software development.