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Erik van Veenendaal

Improve IT Services BV

A leading international consultant, trainer, and recognized expert in software testing, Erik van Veenendaal ( is the founder of Improve Quality Services BV, a company that specializes in testing, requirements engineering, and quality management. Erik is the author of a number of books and papers, a core developer of the TMap testing methodology and the TMMi improvement model, a participant in the International Requirements Engineering Board working parties, currently on the TMMi Foundation board, and a frequent speaker at international testing conferences. For his major contribution to the field of testing, Erik received the 2007 European Testing Excellence Award.

Speaker Presentations
Monday, May 4, 2015 - 8:30am
Half-day Tutorials
Requirements Engineering for Testers

Good requirements and user stories are critical for testing and testers. They are used as the basis for test cases, requirements help determine expected results and testers review requirements for testability. In Agile, where many testers help develop user stories and compliment them with acceptance criteria. Unfortunately, many testers have little knowledge or skill in requirements engineering. What level of quality and detail is realistic to expect for requirements and user stories? What does testability really mean? How can you help improve requirements? Erik van Veenendaal answers these questions and more while helping you develop important skills in requirements engineering. Illustrating requirements issues and solutions with practical case studies, Erik conducts hands-on classroom exercises in specifying and evaluating requirements. Walk through the requirements process from a tester’s viewpoint to learn what you can—and should—contribute to requirements quality. Join Erik to collaboratively create a set of “Golden Rules” that you and your team can use to excel in requirements engineering activities.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015 - 1:45pm
Agile Testing
Risk-Based Testing for Agile Projects

Many projects implicitly use some kind of risk-based approach for prioritizing testing activities. However, critical testing decisions should be based on a product risk assessment process using key business drivers as its foundation. For agile projects, this assessment should be both thorough and lightweight. Erik van Veenendaal discusses PRISMA (PRoduct RISk MAnagement), a highly practical method for performing systematic product risk assessments. Learn how to employ PRISMA techniques in agile projects using Risk Poker. Carry out risk identification and analysis, see how to use the outcome to select the best test approach, and learn how to transform the result into an agile one-page sprint test plan. Erik shares practical experiences and results achieved by employing product risk assessments. Learn how to optimize your test effort by including product risk assessment in your agile testing practices.