Conference archive

STARCANADA 2016 - Business User

Wednesday, October 26

Pong Studios

Mindmaps: Agile and Lightweight Documentation for Testing

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Wednesday, October 26, 2016 - 11:30am to 12:30pm

Quality starts with requirements. In small to mid-size companies, it is not uncommon for the communication chain to be broken. Florin Ursu shares ways to avoid miscommunication through a streamlined process in which requirements are communicated to both developers and testers simultaneously; then developers write code while testers document what will be tested. Florin explores what mindmaps are; what they can be used for, both in general and applied to software development; and then dives deeper into how mindmaps can be used for testing. He describes how his teams...

Blueprint Software

When User Stories Are Not Enough

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Wednesday, October 26, 2016 - 1:30pm to 2:30pm

IT organizations adopting agile development often struggle when applying agile to anything other than small, mid-sized, or non-critical applications. Because IT organizations must deal with the myriad business rules, non-functional requirements, industry regulations, and associated audits, the software requirements and resulting user stories can easily become too complex and interrelated. Tony Higgins says that approaches are surfacing which allow complex IT environments to improve upfront scoping, promote reuse, embrace living documentation, and deal with...