Conference archive

STARCANADA 2016 - Agile

Thursday, October 27

Intervise, Inc.

Continuous Testing - The New Normal

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Thursday, October 27, 2016 - 10:15am to 11:15am

Some notions of continuous testing (CT) have been applied in software development methodologies for a while but it was never called by that term. Another term sometimes used for CT is parallel testing. While some have mastered CT, most of us struggle with how to transform our current testing approaches to CT approaches and align them with evolving development methodologies. Join Tom Wissink as he discusses current examples of CT implementations across different software development methodologies (agile, waterfall, incremental) and describes where parallel or CT...

Coveros, Inc.

Add Security Testing Tools to Your Delivery Pipeline

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Thursday, October 27, 2016 - 11:30am to 12:30pm

Developing a delivery pipeline means more than just adding automated deploys to the development cycle. To be successful, quality testing of all types must be incorporated throughout the process to ensure that problems aren’t slipping through. Those checks must include security, or you risk developing insecure software. Fortunately, the delivery pipeline opens up opportunities to add more security testing to the delivery process. Continuous integration builds can add static analysis tools to test for simple security errors and check if components with known...

Concur Technologies

Build Your Open Source Performance Testing Platform in the Cloud

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Thursday, October 27, 2016 - 1:30pm to 2:30pm

Proprietary performance testing platforms can be complex, expensive, and difficult to scale. With the right approach, everything from continuous integration, to continuous deployment pipelines, to full-scale production loads can be supported, but a dizzying array of platforms, services, and approaches available in AWS and the open-source community must be navigated to arrive at solutions that work. Join Gopal Brugalette and explore how to build a performance testing platform in the cloud using open source tools. Gopal shares what he has learned from his failures...