Conference archive

STARCANADA 2016 - Special Topics

Thursday, October 27

Inclusive Media Design
Inclusive Media Design
Inclusive Media Design

Accessibility Standards and Testing Techniques: Be Inclusive or Be Left Behind

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Thursday, October 27, 2016 - 10:15am to 11:15am

While Information and Communication Technology (ICT) accessibility for a wider spectrum of users—including the blind—and their interfaces is being required by law across more jurisdictions, testing for it remains limited, naïve, and too late. The consequences of staying ignorant include increased exposure to litigation, penalties, and loss of contracts and revenue. Join David Best, Sandy Feldman, and Rob Harvie to learn why accessibility is now becoming a valued, integral part of the design process and much different from usability of twenty years ago. Ensure...

Coveros, Inc.

Add Security Testing Tools to Your Delivery Pipeline

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Thursday, October 27, 2016 - 11:30am to 12:30pm

Developing a delivery pipeline means more than just adding automated deploys to the development cycle. To be successful, quality testing of all types must be incorporated throughout the process to ensure that problems aren’t slipping through. Those checks must include security, or you risk developing insecure software. Fortunately, the delivery pipeline opens up opportunities to add more security testing to the delivery process. Continuous integration builds can add static analysis tools to test for simple security errors and check if components with known...

tap | QA

IoT and Embedded Testing: A Roku Case Study

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Thursday, October 27, 2016 - 1:30pm to 2:30pm

With big hitters like Time Warner and HBO selectively testing Roku releases, testing these little boxes of joy is becoming more of a necessity in the IoT tester’s playbook. Join Rick Faulise as he shares the secrets of testing on a Roku device including how to get into the Roku interface and make it respond to your commands, how to select a broadcast environment for testing, and how to measure streaming performance. Take your IoT testing to the next level by understanding what special types of testing are unique to the Roku and other important considerations to...