DevOps West 2017 - Going Mobile Session Topic | TechWell

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DevOps West 2017 - Going Mobile

Wednesday, June 7

Philip Lew

Mobile Testing: Challenges and Solutions

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Wednesday, June 7, 2017 - 11:30am to 12:30pm

Now that we’ve gotten beyond the initial shock and prevalence of mobile applications, we’ve come to realize that it’s not just about making apps work. In chasing the mobile market, we often don’t really understand or choose to ignore the differences in the mobile platform when it comes to designing and building a successful app. Of course, the mobile platform is smaller, but what else do you need to consider? To be successful, you need more than just “it works.” Phil Lew explores the top mobile quality challenges, and discusses how to approach and solve them. Some of these challenges...


Shave Mobile Development Time and Cost with Xamarin

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Wednesday, June 7, 2017 - 1:30pm to 2:30pm

By shaving time and cost to build and maintain your app by half, Xamarin—a free, open source framework offered by Microsoft—can revolutionize your mobile application development. Most app development approaches result in building the app twice—once for iOS and once for Android—or producing a sluggish app that has an inconsistent HTML-driven user interface. Xamarin lets you write C# code that’s compiled for each operating system to leverage each platform’s native UI, API access, and performance. Create an app that feels and performs like it was custom-built for that device, while sharing 90...