DevOps West 2017 - DevOps & Regulation | TechWell

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DevOps West 2017 - DevOps & Regulation

Thursday, June 8

Brandon Carlson
Lean TECHniques, Inc.

DevOps and Regulatory Compliance—Like Oil and Water or Peanut Butter and Jelly?

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Thursday, June 8, 2017 - 3:00pm to 4:00pm

DevOps and regulatory compliance are two critically important ingredients in today’s connected organizations. DevOps enables you to move quickly and respond to change in an era where change is increasing at an exponential rate with no sign of slowing down. Regulatory compliance ensures that your organization takes the appropriate steps to follow relevant laws that appear to require adding burdensome processes and controls to your software development lifecycle. Brandon Carlson acknowledges that at first glance these two ideas seem incompatible, but they actually go together like peanut...