DevOps West 2017 - DevOps Design & Architecture | TechWell

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DevOps West 2017 - DevOps Design & Architecture

Wednesday, June 7

Abraham Marin-Perez
Equal Experts

Architectural Patterns for an Efficient Delivery Pipeline

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Wednesday, June 7, 2017 - 11:30am to 12:30pm

Continuous integration has made development faster and more reliable. However, as codebases expand, organizations are finding that their build pipelines slow down dramatically. One of the most common reasons is that we often rebuild parts of the system that don't need to be rebuilt. This can happen when the code structure isn’t a faithful representation of the logical dependencies between the different parts. This prevents the pipeline from detecting which parts of the system are impacted by a change and which ones aren’t. Abraham Marin-Perez describes common scenarios in which the...

Hasan Yasar
Software Engineering Institute

Integrate Security into DevOps

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Wednesday, June 7, 2017 - 1:30pm to 2:30pm

Software security often evokes negative feelings among software developers because it is associated with additional programming effort, uncertainty, and road-blocking activity on a fast release cycle. Secure software developers must follow a number of guidelines that, while intended to satisfy regulations, can be very restrictive and difficult to understand. Hasan Yasar believes that the Secure DevOps movement combats this negative view by shifting the paradigm. Rather than blindly following required security practices and identified security controls, Secure DevOps developers learn how to...

Avantika (Avan) Mathur
Electric Cloud

Microservices and Docker: Foundation for a New Generation of Applications

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Wednesday, June 7, 2017 - 2:45pm to 3:45pm

Docker has matured and expanded from its primary use in the build/test stages into production deployments. Similarly, microservices are expanding from use mostly for greenfield web services to use in the enterprise as organizations explore ways to decompose their monolith to support faster release cycles. Anders Wallgren says that running microservices-based applications in a containerized environment makes a lot of sense—for both build and test, and from a runtime perspective in production. Docker and microservices are natural companions, forming the foundation for a new generation of...