DevOps West 2017 - Continuous Delivery Session Topic | TechWell

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DevOps West 2017 - Continuous Delivery

Thursday, June 8

Stacy Kirk
QualityWorks Consulting Group, LLC

Continuous Delivery of Innovation and Quality

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Thursday, June 8, 2017 - 10:00am to 11:00am

High performing DevOps organizations deploy 200 times more frequently than lower performers. So, it is no surprise that these organizations are known for their innovation and quality. Low performing DevOps teams miss the opportunity to continuously test their ideas and integrate feedback. Many organizations fail to achieve continuous delivery due to limitations in their testing process and strategy. Stacy Kirk details how to start or optimize quality in your DevOps lifecycle for continuous delivery of innovative applications. She explains how to foster a culture of innovation that will...

Dan Petit

Pipeline as Code: A Model for Scaling CI/CD

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Thursday, June 8, 2017 - 11:30am to 12:30pm

Many companies begin their journey into DevOps by using open-source tools to stand up simple but effective continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD) pipelines for one or two small, leading-edge teams—as a proof-of-concept. These early successes are often followed by an overwhelming demand for more—more teams, more functionality, more traceability, and faster turnaround. DevOps teams may soon find that their initial effort, as effective as it was, does not scale consistently or quickly. After all it was only a proof of concept. This inability to scale slows the...

Gajan Pathmanathan
Quicken Loans

DevOps: The Key to Quality-Driven Development

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Thursday, June 8, 2017 - 1:30pm to 2:30pm

Rapidly evolving business demands and competitive environments pose challenges to increase the speed of delivery and do better with less. This often results in sacrificing quality and failing to understand that a minimum viable product must be “viable” to the customer. When organizations realize this, they often turn to DevOps practices that are rapidly becoming the new norm. Gajan Pathmanathan discusses how to ensure quality-driven development through DevOps while maintaining delivery speed. He focuses on the transition an organization needs to make to ship “quality” software frequently,...