DevOps West 2017 - Adopting DevOps | TechWell

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DevOps West 2017 - Adopting DevOps

Wednesday, June 7

Lincoln Financial Group

Demystifying DevOps Adoption

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Wednesday, June 7, 2017 - 11:30am to 12:30pm

Many organizations are either talking about DevOps or already working toward its adoption. Books and conferences around DevOps abound, and it seems that DevOps engineers are in high demand. What impact does adopting DevOps have on a company and its people? What does DevOps look like from the inside out? What does a DevOps engineer do? What must you learn and do to ensure you’re not left behind? Adam Auerbach answers these questions, explains the overall DevOps movement, and discusses how DevOps is driving changes to organizational culture and structure. He covers the core principles of the...

Mason Leung
Grand Rounds

Implement DevOps Like a Unicorn—Even If You’re Not One

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Wednesday, June 7, 2017 - 1:30pm to 2:30pm

Etsy, Netflix, and the unicorns have done great things with DevOps. Although most people don't work at a unicorn, they still want to combine agility and stability. To close the gap between developers and operations, Mason Leung says his company runs operation workshops, blogs about infrastructure, and experiments with different tools—and are solving the same problems as the unicorns only on a smaller scale. Mason explains that you don't get to millions of requests without going through the first several hundred. Ideas you can take from unicorns include how to use containers to...

Ken Mugrage

You Can’t Buy DevOps … You Have to Sell It

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Wednesday, June 7, 2017 - 2:45pm to 3:45pm

In an industry where fads come and go, people you work with probably think that DevOps is just another flash in the pan, another techno-management fad. You, however, know adopting a DevOps culture will help your organization, and you need to be able to convince the rest of the organization. Since DevOps is mostly about culture, it’s critical that you have organizational support to implement it. Ken Mugrage shares peer-reviewed research, stories from real companies, and other solid evidence that you can use to make the case for adopting a DevOps culture. Unfortunately, pure logic and...