Conference archive

DevOps West 2016 - Lean & Kanban

Monday, June 6

Ken Pugh
Net Objectives

Principles and Practices of Lean Software Development

Monday, June 6, 2016 - 8:30am to 12:00pm

Lean software development has often been described as “better, faster, cheaper” and focused on “eliminating waste,” but those are misnomers. Going after speed improvement and waste elimination can actually reduce the benefits you might otherwise get from lean. Ken Pugh describes what lean software development really is and why you should be incorporating it into your development efforts—whether you use Scrum, kanban, or SAFe. Ken explains the mindset, principles, and practices of lean. Its foundations are systems thinking, a relentless focus on time, and an understanding that complex...

Tuesday, June 7

Bob Galen
Velocity Partners

Essential Patterns of Mature Agile Leaders

Sold Out!
Tuesday, June 7, 2016 - 8:30am to 12:00pm

Currently much of agile adoption—coaching, advice, techniques, and training―revolves around the agile teams. Leaders are typically ignored, marginalized, or, in the worst cases, vilified. Bob Galen contends that there is a central and important role for managers and effective leadership within agile environments. In this tutorial, explore the patterns of mature agile managers and leaders—those who understand servant leadership and how to effectively support, grow, coach, and empower their agile teams in ways that increase the teams’ performance, accountability, and engagement. Investigate...

Ken Pugh
Net Objectives

Eight Steps to Kanban

Sold Out!
Tuesday, June 7, 2016 - 8:30am to 12:00pm

Transitioning to agile can be difficult—often downright wrenching—for teams, so many organizations are turning to kanban instead. Kanban, which involves just-in-time software delivery, offers a more gradual transition to agile and is adaptable to many company cultures and environments. With kanban, developers pull work from a queue—taking care not to exceed a threshold for simultaneous tasks—while making progress visible to all. Ken Pugh shares eight steps to adopt kanban in your team and organization. Ken begins with a value stream map of existing processes to establish an initial kanban...

Jez Humble
Jez Humble & Associates LLC

High-Performance Product Development

Tuesday, June 7, 2016 - 1:00pm to 4:30pm

Large organizations often struggle with the software part of product development when they attempt to create innovative services and products, Obstacles they face are often related to organizational culture and project/program management paradigms that do not take advantage of the unique characteristics of software. In this tutorial session—designed for directors of IT, program/project managers, and software professionals—Jez Humble describes how large—and small—organizations can take a lean approach to developing new products and run large scale product development programs. Jez shows how...

Linda Rising
Independent Consultant

Fearless Change: Patterns for Introducing New Ideas

Tuesday, June 7, 2016 - 1:00pm to 4:30pm

We attend conferences, read books and articles, and discover new ideas we want to bring into our organizations—but we often struggle when trying to implement those changes. Unfortunately, those introducing change are not always welcomed with open arms. Linda Rising offers proven change management strategies to help you become a more successful agent of change in your organization. Learn how to plant effective seeds of change, and what forces in your organization drive or block change. These approaches, strategies, and patterns are useful in many different settings—not only to change your...

Wednesday, June 8

Mimi Hoang
George Schlitz
Objective Change

Product Management: The Innovation Glue for the Lean Enterprise

Wednesday, June 8, 2016 - 11:30am to 12:30pm

At a time when organizations of all sizes both want and need innovation, exciting approaches including lean startup and agile development have risen to the forefront. Although there is no shortage of resources and expertise on these approaches, less guidance is available on the daunting challenge of introducing and increasing innovation in our organizations. Organizations of different sizes face different challenges in innovation which, if not dealt with, end up stifling the potential results. Mimi Hoang and George Schlitz share experiences from many years of successes and failures...

Jon Stahl

The Lean Executive Agility Framework

Wednesday, June 8, 2016 - 1:30pm to 2:30pm

In today’s business environment, organizations cannot afford to resist change and move slowly. They have to move quickly, adapt frequently, and turn on a dime when conditions demand it. This is not always easy to do. Organizations of all shapes and sizes can become rooted in habits and processes that get in the way of efficiency and productivity. Adopting lean and agile practices is a great way to break free from those impediments. However, if leaders want their teams to be transparent and agile, the leaders must first embrace those practices themselves and lead by example. Based on his...

Thursday, June 9

Sven Peters

How to Do Kick-Ass Software Development

Thursday, June 9, 2016 - 8:30am to 9:45am

Software development is hard― keeping developers, testers, designers, product managers and other stakeholders in sync and working on the right things at the right time. Building the systems that customers care about and delivering high-quality code fast are challenges every development team faces. Just being agile isn’t enough; we need to actively think about how we can improve software development processes and techniques. Sven details Atlassian’s coding practices and team dynamics, which include: collaborating fast to develop ideas, helping QA with testing, avoiding meetings to get...

Aakash Srinivasan
Independent Consultant
Vivek Angiras
Independent Consultant

Zorro Circles: Retrospectives for Excellence

Thursday, June 9, 2016 - 10:00am to 11:00am

Have you wondered how to progressively harness your agile team’s energy, focus on important goals, and improve outcomes? Woody Zuill said, “If you could adopt only one agile practice, then let it be retrospectives. Everything else will follow.” Retrospectives help individuals and teams adjust to today’s constant change and establish a sustainable pace to deliver complex products. Zorro Circles is a framework for designing retrospectives that employs proven techniques to gather and analyze information required to collectively solve problems. Aakash Srinivasan and Vivek Angiras introduce the...

Bob Payne

Disrupting Ourselves: Moving to a “Teal Organization” Model

Thursday, June 9, 2016 - 11:30am to 12:30pm

In his book Reinventing Organizations, Frederic Laloux describes the “Teal Organization” model. Teal organizations have an evolutionary purpose, self-managing teams with little or no organizational hierarchy, and individuals who bring their whole person to work rather than putting on a work face when leaving the house. Zappos is the most talked about organization attempting a transition to Teal. Bob Payne describes how his organization is becoming a Teal Organization. Since the concept of Teal is not a specific recipe, they are basing their transition on practices gleaned from...